Tools & Machinery in Store



So what's new around Letterpress Things these days?

Well, at our commercial shop in West Springfield, a well-equipped workshop for cleaning and fixing tools, machines, presses, etc. is finally up and operational.



This improves our ability to more quickly process and prepare items acquired in recent months for sale on the floor.

In fact, this Saturday the 27th, there'll be a number of small tools available for the first time including several round cornering units, a steel rule cutter, a Hanson brass rule cutter, a single spindle drill, an ink scale and more.



There'll also be a 6 x 10 Kelsey, complete, ready to print and possibly several other units presently being worked on. There's even still some type and items left from the Howie Swoop.


It's a long weekend coming up so if you're looking for a day trip destination or coming through the area, stop in and say hello!