Clean Out Weekends


           This coming Saturday (the 18th) and the following Saturday (the 25th) will be a long needed clean out of all the odds and ends squirreled away over the years at Letterpress Things. The crew has been rearranging the store's entire floor and there's now fifteen 4' x 6' tables on which an abundance of letterpress "things" are displayed. Some tables hold one type of specific items, like reglet cabinets, paper trimmers, type, and slug cutters. Other tables are filled with one-of-a-kind items; tools, accessories and more.

            This "clean out" project has become more extensive than anticipated for several reasons. First, the out-of-sight areas and dark corners are yielding a lot more stuff than expected. There's much more "new" inventory than we realized. And second, the HEAT! The weather has been quite warm the past several weeks and working on the fourth floor really defines the term "sweat equity."

            Plan to come by one or both days. For sure there are "things" here you'll know you need when you see them!